Sunday, June 21, 2009

My Second "Rant" About Commercials

I hate commercials. Why do they even exist? They're pointless! All they do is keep you from watching the show/movie that you want to watch, and advertise some random product that you're never going to buy in your whole life anyway. It seems crazy to me that people would actually pay for their product to be advertised on TV if all anyone who sees it will do is mute it. If anyone really wants to know how to get a certain product, they'll just search for online. Unless they don't have a computer, in which case they probably don't have a TV either. And when they say "Call now for immediate shipping!" it will still take a few days to come, whereas if you just went to the store right then and picked it up, it would take only an hour at max. Ojbe ahdsgopk kpoiagnkjn aldsh-- oops, sorry, so if commercials didn't exist, we'd have no more sitting on the couch in boredom for 1 3rd of the show/movie. Of course, right now, I don't think that anyone has the power to get rid of commercials, but in the future, if anyone does have that power, they should use it. I hope that someday, there will be no more commercials.

Also, I know this is really off topic but I found some awesome music online, so if you can, listen to it by clicking on this link:

1 comment:

  1. Hey this is Philip, I know you can't click on the link to the music so just copy(ctrl c) and paste(ctrl v) into the website bar, press Enter, and you'll be fine.
