Saturday, July 11, 2009

#7 About Stupid Radio Stations

Okay, so last night, I was riding back in our car from my family birthday party and my Dad turned on the radio. He flipped through the channels and stopped. 'Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer' was playing. Like, WHAT!? So, Christmas in December? Yes. But Christmas in July? Uh, no. Just, no. Now, I think that the people who control stations like this are very uncreative because they can't think of anything to theme off of except for a holiday that's going to happen 5 MONTHS FROM NOW!! There was also this one time when I was listening to the radio in August and they were discussing how Easter is always very fun. Wow. Anyway, as you can see, some people who control these radio stations have no idea what they're doing.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

#6 About Bad Badminton Sets

Wow. I really can't believe how stupid badminton sets are these days. The nets are bad, the racquets stink(not literally) , the birdies/shuttlecocks are HORRIBLE, and the instructions are not clear AT ALL. I think there are only, like, 3 good sets in the world. We've looked at various sets, in stores and online, and there were only a few that were actually good that didn't cost 7,000 dollars. Some were unstable, some were too short, some were way too complex and would take an hour to set up, some were just small, and some didn't even go into the ground more than an inch. Our last badminton set (from was finally good but it still had a flaw. The instructions suck. One side is in German, and the other side, we're pretty sure, was originally in German but someone put it in an English translator and pressed go. Here are the exact words from the instructions.

1.) Pull out the telescope poles like this
a.) Remove the screw fixture on the down part (A) and pull the
telescope poles out (till 3-4cm ca.)
b.) Now fix the crew fixture
c.) Remove the 2nd screw fixture to pull the rest of the telescope poles out (till 3-4cm ca.). Please care that both wholes (1+2) are visible
and open. Both wholes must be in the same direction.
d.) Now please fix the screw fixture
e.) The part with the black cap is on the top.
1.) For fixing the net, you have to put the strings through the wholes. After that please tie a knot. The white part of the net should be on top.
2.) Pull the string (D) on both poles through the first whole (2).
3.) Now you have to tighten the string (to the right and the left) and fix the string end with pegs in the ground.

Wh-- wh-- what? Okay, WHAT? It makes NO sense. Now the rest of the set is good, but the instructions, well, you saw.

Seriously though, how hard can it be to come out with a decent, inexpensive badminton set with good instructions? Maybe someday it will be easier to find a good, cheap badminton set.

Also, this last blogpost on my parents blog is really funny and so here's a link to it.