Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Today i had some sinus problems again. I've had sinus problems for a while now, probably because of allergys. But this time it got ALOT worse. My right ear started to hurt really bad because apparently my eustation tube is plugged. Ive had tylonol, ibeprophen, and I even tried chewing gum because that's supposed to help. Much to my dislike, it did not work. So my Mom looked on the internet and found that certain ear drops are supposed to help. She called CVS and they didn't have any. Then she called the doctor and got me a little subscription. She went upstairs and when she came back she told me that we had to wait for my dad to come back. All this time, I'm sitting on the couch watching Pirates Of The Carribean: Dead Mans Chest and feeling miserable. And of course, my sinuses are bad because I can barely breath through my right nostril and even as I write this my subscription is not doing anything to make my ear feel better. Ive been sick before, but never like this. I suppose sickness didn't start until after The Fall but no matter what, It's got to be the worst thing ever invented.